Premium Access   

ETF Screener

Screen Definition
Start with which funds?
Could be All Funds, a Predefined Group, or a Personal Portfolio.
Allow or Disallow
Inverse and/or Leveraged funds

Filter based on name
Filter on field values

*** Hints: ***
Enclose field names in square brackets.
Like: [EMA-5] > [EMA-200]

Can do simple math.
Like: [Price] > [SMA-200] * 1.05

For field definitions, click here.

Field Logic Value
Sort Results by
Single field. No calculations allowed.
User Defined Variables:
Formulas entered here can be referenced above for filtering and/or sorting records. In addition to the standard numeric operators +,-,*,/,(, and ), formulas entered here can take advantage of these MySQL operators and functions.
Advanced Options
Market Timing Rule
Min Acceptable Return Premium Access
Supplementary Entry Rule Premium Access
For Current Screen Picks
Close as of Tuesday, Oct 15
Backtest this Screen
Positions:     (number of funds held)
Holding Pd:   (holding period)
Benchmark:   (compare results to)
Premium Access users have additional screening and backtesting options:

Backtest Options:
Longer Backtests, from 2002
Hold Thru Rank (more info)
User defined starting date
Trade-by-trade data for each cycle
Screen view for any date in past 5 yrs
Functions for Screening:
PREVAL - compare a field to previous values
pRANK - percentile rank of a field
VALUE - compare all funds to the value of a spcific fund

Learn More


Name and define a User Variable in the fields above.
Clear contents of UV?  

Define a rule that will be evaluated relative to the specified symbol each period. The rule must equate to TRUE for trades to take place.

This Entry Rule will only be evaluated when a position is being considered for a new entry and will be ignored in subsequent periods as long as the position is held. The symbol will be accepted when this rule equates to TRUE and skipped when the rule equates to FALSE.
Minimum Acceptable Return

This Minimum Acceptable Return will force a screen position to cash when the rule equates to FALSE. Note this rule is applied after all filters and sort rules have been applied and will have the affect of reducing the number of holdings and will increase cash. It is generally used to set a minimum acceptable historical performance, like [Rtn-3mo] > VALUE([Rtn-3mo], TLT), which sets a minimum level for the 3-month return to the respective return of TLT. For more specifics and options see the user's guide.
Note: LLC reserves the right to use screens entered here for any purpose.

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